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The girl was instantly seized and taken into the house.We reached it, interlaken map switzerland and hastily unhitching and getting in we drove rapidly for the bridge crossing over to Belvidere.So she went, was treated tolerably well, at any rate, she secured her clothes and brought them home with her.I had too, with all easy position, interlaken map switzerland more liberty than any other prisoner.I was in the streets of Charlestown with my own clothes on and five dollars, given to me by the Warden, in my pocket, I was poor, truly, but I was at liberty, and that for the day was enough.Bemis and they then went to Governor Briggs, and told him the story, and that I had served out half of my severe sentence, and pressed interlaken map switzerland for a pardon.We timed our journey so as to arrive there at one o'clock in the morning.There was a interlaken map switzerland time then.The Warden's delight was unbounded he never saw such a set of shoes he declared that they fitted as if they had grown to the horse's hoofs.It was joyful news to interlaken map switzerland Sarah, and how readily she had acquiesced in my plan for an elopement was manifest in the fact that she was then by my side.Scheimer had gone up stairs for my things.The Scheimer family consisted of the old folks and four sons and four daughters, the children grown up, for my patient, interlaken map switzerland sixteen years old, was the youngest.We were effectually concealed our pursuers, if there were any, would be sure to go by us, and meantime we could talk over our plans for the future.In due time the horse was shod, and I led him to the Warden for inspection and before him and an officer who stood by him, I led the horse up and interlaken map switzerland down to show that he did not interfere.He at once sent for the Doctor who came and stopped the hemorrhage, and then sent me to the hospital where I remained two weeks.
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