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On the evening of the 6th the battering rams and ladders were prepared, and it was evident that the storming of the city was soon to begin.After the death of Yaroslaf, his uncle Alexander assumed the sovereignty of the grand dream make site weaver web principality.Daniel at length consented, for the sake of its moral influence, to be crowned king, and the pope issued his letters calling upon the faithful to unite under the banners of the cross, to drive the barbarians from Europe.As no one dared to dispute his authority, the dream make site weaver web ill fated kingdom passed a few years in tranquillity.The country of the Polovtsi was then abandoned to the Tartars.The conquerors did not wish to encumber dream make site weaver web themselves with captives.After two years, the young prince, Constantin, returned from Tartary, and then Yaroslaf himself was ordered, with all his relatives, to go to the capital of this barbaric empire on the banks of the Amour, where the Tartar chiefs were to meet to choose a successor to Octai, who had recently died.The Tartars followed up their victory with their accustomed inhumanity, and, as if it were their dream make site weaver web intention to depopulate the country, swept it in all directions, putting the inhabitants indiscriminately to the sword.Leave us immediately, or we shall be exposed to the inconvenience of driving you away.Alexander felt compelled to hasten to the Tartar camp, with expressions of dream make site weaver web homage to the new captain, and with rich presents to conciliate his favor.The Russian army was promptly rendezvoused on the banks of the Dnieper, preparatory to its march.
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