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I hope however to show, in a future chapter, that there are other and far higher objects, which every teacher ought to have in view, and he who understands these objects, and aims at accomplishing them, who endeavors to instruct his class, to enlarge and elevate their ideas, to awaken a deep and paramount interest in the subject which they are examining, will find that his time must be his own, and his attention uninterrupted, while he is presiding at a class.They china us dollar were allowed to leave their seats and whisper to their companions, whenever, in their honest judgment, it was necessary for the prosecution of their studies.They must be trained, not by threatening and punishment, but by your good humored assistance, to their new duties.It will always china us dollar be of great advantage to the school, for the teacher to propose his new plans from time to time to his pupils in such a way as this.I am afraid that all do not sit, who really wish not to report themselves.There are indeed such cases, but they are exceptions and unquestionably an immense majority, especially of those who are beginners in china us dollar the work, find it such as I have described.Of course, I would not be understood to recommend its adoption, in those cases, where, teachers, from their own experience, have devised and adopted other plans, which accomplish as effectually the same purpose.He must classify and arrange but after he has done all that he can, he must still expect that his china us dollar daily business will continue to consist of a vast multitude of minute particulars, from one to another of which the mind must turn with a rapidity, which, few of the other employments of life ever demand.In the first apparatus of this kind which I used, the plate was simply a card of pasteboard, from which the machine took its name.Do you like this plan? Yes sir, china us dollar was the answer, and all seemed to enter into it with spirit.You know the progress which your pupils have made, and can easily anticipate their difficulties.Take china us dollar another case.The following directions will help the teacher to carry these principles into effect.While they were china us dollar standing, I called them to account in the following manner.
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