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So he said to the students, I will go down the cone with Rosie and the two boys, and accompany them as far as the Hermitage.The coachman opened the door, and all the how make window icon party got out.Now it happens there is no difficulty in getting a carriage at Naples.George and Rosie, on account of the puffs of vapor which the wind blew over how make window icon them.True, said Mrs.This metallic barometer is how make window icon quite a curious instrument.It was such an instrument as this that the two students had, on Vesuvius.I told them that I thought you would like to see it, and how make window icon they said that they should be very happy to show it to you.Then, when you get to the top of the mountain, you look at it, and you see at once how much the pressure of the air has diminished.Rollo and Josie insisted that how make window icon Mr.While they were standing on the narrow ridge which formed the brink of the crater, looking down, their guide by their side, another guide came by, conducting two young men and they, instead of stopping on the brink, as Mr.We how make window icon will see, said Mrs.In a few minutes, on account of some change in the gusts of wind, the masses of vapor in the crater broke into openings, and rolled off towards the other side, and in the openings Rosie could see the boys coming back over the black surface of the lava, their footsteps making a curious sound upon it, as if they were walking over clinkers.There I shall find how make window icon Mrs.
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