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The Tartars, having withdrawn, Dmitri secured the coperation of some powerful princes, drove his brother from Novgorod, and again grasped the scepter which his brother had wrested from him.Yaroslaf, prince of Kief, and rod stewart maggie brother of Georges II.Yaroslaf immediately left the city and sought safety in exile.Thirty thousand rod stewart maggie were slain, and thirty thousand carried into perpetual slavery.The conquerors did not wish to encumber themselves with captives.But, rod stewart maggie unappeased by this fearful retribution, the Tartars were immediately on the march to avenge, with their own hands, the crime of rebellion.Reign of Alexander.Seven princes, and seventy of the most illustrious nobles rod stewart maggie were among the slain.The unhappy laborers, who, to escape death or captivity, had fled into the deserts, perished of exposure and starvation.The rod stewart maggie Tartars haughtily entered Novgorod.It is too late, was the reply.Independence rod stewart maggie of the Principalities.
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