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It is stated that Alexander, when flying from the bloody field with his discomfited troops, his path being strewed with the wounded and the dead, posted placards along the route, with the inscription, I commend my unfortunate soldiers to the generosity of the Emperor Napoleon! Alexander, young and ambitions, was very much chagrined by this utter discomfiture.It was with much difficulty that these young princes were induced to give their consent to the conspiracy, and they yielded pzena investment management llc only on condition that their father's life should be spared.With wine and wassail they nerved themselves for the desperate deed.The judgment of the world has ever been and probably ever will be divided respecting the nature of Alexander's complicity in pzena investment management llc this murder.But the treaty of Amiens was a sore humiliation to the cabinet of St.Napoleon regarded this interference of Alexander as impertinent, and caused his minister to reply, What would Alexander have said if the First Consul had imperiously demanded explanations respecting pzena investment management llc the murder of Paul I.The Russians, wild with dismay, rent the skies with their barbaric shouts, and wreaked their vengeance upon all the helpless villages they encountered in their path.As he left Paris for the campaign, in a parting pzena investment management llc message to the senate he said, In so just a war, which we have not provoked by any act, by any pretense, the true cause of which it would be impossible to assign, and where we only take arms to defend ourselves, we depend entirely upon the support of the laws, and upon that of the people whom circumstances call upon to give fresh proofs of their devotion and courage.The whole French line now simultaneously advanced.His pzena investment management llc frontiers there were dimly defined, and his authority but feebly exerted.I was to subscribe ten millions for the purchase of camels and other requisites for crossing the desert.Alexander was twenty three years of age when he pzena investment management llc ascended the throne.From 1807 to 1825.Two new ministries were established by Alexander, with extensive responsibilities the Ministry of the Interior, and that of Public pzena investment management llc Instruction.If the Emperor of France exercises a great influence in Italy, the tzar exerts a still greater influence over Turkey and Persia.
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